The Sunday School Children sponsored an Angel Tree and a Mitten Tree during the first two weeks of Advent. They adorned the Angel tree with colorful and glitzy angels and noted an item that one of the young people at NorthernRivers was hoping for this Christmas.
People of our congregation quickly took home the angels and brought them back, along with the item noted, by December 10. Likewise, the Mitten Tree on the lower level of the Education Building was quickly filled with warm hats, mittens, gloves, scarves and socks for the children at NorthernRivers.
On December 11 all of the items were loaded up and delivered to NorthernRivers in Schenectady to exclamations of delight. Thank you to all in our congregation who brought in things for the trees, for their caring and generosity in thinking of others at this most special time of year. He gave to us and instructed us to do likewise. Merry Christmas!