Spring Sunday School Teachers – We are seeking teachers to teach Grades 2-3 and Grade 4-5 for the last semester of Sunday school. These are both large classes and would benefit from team teaching. Curriculum materials are available and easy to use. Members of the Christian Education Committee are willing to provide mentoring and help fill in during the final weeks of the year. We thank the wonderful teachers who have guided our students for the past two semesters: David Anderson, Brenna Autrey, Bob Gardner, Adrean Krieg, Joe Lindsay, Chad Pezzano and Tony Pechulis. Teachers confirmed for the Spring semester are: Pre K- 1 – Lauren Groudine; Middle School -Monica Tryon and Michelle Kopp; and High School – Maureen Rizzi. If anyone is interested in teaching, contact Tony Pechulis at anthonypechulis@gmail.com.