City Mission Back to School Boost- Current Needs List
A new school year is an exciting time, but can also be financially stressful for struggling families. Because of people like you, children can start the new school year prepared and equipped with the supplies and tools that will help them be more successful. It is also a huge blessing to their families.
Below is a list of items that will help to give hundreds of children a better and brighter school year. Supplies can be dropped off in the Education Building. Items are due by Sunday, August 14th. They are due to the Mission by the week of August 15th to allow enough times to create the backpacks and distribute them before September. Thank you!
Needed Supplies:
Loose leaf paper (wide ruled)
Small binders (1”-three-ring binders)
70 count notebooks (wide ruled)
Washable Markers
Expo Dry Erase Markers
Pink Erasers
Marble Composition Notebooks (wide ruled)
Colored Pencils
Pencil cases/boxes (urgent need)
Pencil sharpeners
Glue Sticks (large ones)
Elmer’s Glue
Scissors (urgent need)
Calculators (inexpensive)
Pocket Folders