Beginning at 7:00 PM on October 19, and each third Monday of the month thereafter, the Women’s Gratitude Circle will turn its focus to a study of the women of the Bible, beginning with the Old Testament. The Gladys Hunt book, “Women of the Old Testament” will serve as the discussion guide. “They were ordinary people. Most would not make headlines in any other history book but God’s. Yet the women of the Old Testament made critical choices that led to extraordinary results. Through faith and strong character they rescued their families, led people out of bondage, gave birth to kings and saved a nation. Each one demonstrates the far-reaching consequences of everyday actions.”
At the October 19 meeting, the group will discuss Chapter 1 of the book, dealing with “The First Woman – A Far-Reaching Choice,” from Genesis 3:1-13.
We welcome you to join our group. For more information and to request a copy of the book, please contact Trudy Lehner.