Mission and Service Committee

Mission Statement

Serve Christ by reaching out to others within our church, our community, our denomination, and abroad with human and financial resources.

Committee Responsibilities


  • Gather food donations
  • Deliver food to Food Pantry Albany St, Schenectady


  • Shop, cook and serve at the soup kitchen at Salvation Army 222 Lafayette St, Schenectady


  • Serve dinners at City Mission 425 Hamilton St, Schenectady- 6x/year
  • Attend and communicate information from monthly meeting of SICM
  • Determine non-profit receiver of monthly Communion Collection
    • Identify and arrange for a speaker/info about the non-profit to be presented to the congregation the week prior to the collection
  • Each group leader submits information about their activity to the Mission and Service Committee prior to the event. After the event, the group leader summarizes highlights of the activity to the M&S Committee and to the church administrator for publishing in the Messenger.


  • Participate in the summer lunch program
  • Participate in the City Mission Christmas gift wrapping Program
  • Participate in the annual Crop Walk
  • Prepare and serve the coffee hour after church service – 2x/year
  • Coordinate and execute the Brooks Barbeque – 2x/year


Make a one time or recurring gift to the church through our secure PayPal site.

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