2018 Senior Luncheon

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The Senior Member Luncheon will be held this year on Thursday, November 8 at noon in the Fellowship Hall. This year our chefs will again be Paul and Cyndy Brownsey. Our speaker will be Scott Haefner, who will present a program called “The History of the Reformed Dutch Church of Niskayuna.”  One change we’ve made this year is to open up the luncheon and following program to all of our members who are retired. Scott (Norma Lovell’s son) is a dynamic speaker, and Paul (Peter and Donnie Brownsey’s son) and his wife are superb chefs. This is an event you won’t want to miss!

If you plan to attend, call the church office by Monday, November 5 to get your name on the list. If you need transportation, tell Ellen, and someone from Congregational Care Committee, will contact you to make arrangements. Hope to see you November 8th.




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