Women’s Retreat Lead to New “Women’s Fellowship Group”

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NRC Women's Book Group

On April 25, 22 women gathered in Fellowship Hall for a one-day retreat, planned and led by our own women, to explore the scripture of James, where he asks “What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but do not have works?”

We share with you some of the comments received about the day:

“It really was a beautiful day. I thoroughly enjoyed all of it. In retrospect I have to say that receiving communion in a circle of women was empowering, inspirational…..it felt right and very comfortable – an experience I have never had before. Thank you to each lovely lady that made it all happen.”

“I want to thank the committee for …. making today’s retreat so meaningful. The program was very thoughtful, ended with a beautiful communion service. I was uncertain what to expect, but I found it great to make new friendships and reflect on what else I can do to truly follow my faith.”

“The best part of the retreat was meeting the ladies. It was inspirational, fun and informative – total sharing. Loved the skit. It would take a lot to top this!”

“The best part was hearing participants share their faith – it enriches me.”

Thanks to the committee (Ann Duncan, Eileen Eldred, Sue Felpel, Karen Goddard, Sharon Jackson, Sharon Rice-Herbst, Mary Ivey, and Trudy Lehner) for putting together the program, to those who assisted with program activities (Linda Gebhardt, June Peterson, Kathy Stein, Nancy Tellier, Barb Valenti), and to the men (John Bennett, John Del Signore, Dug Jackson and John Lehner) who so graciously “volunteered” to serve us a delicious and elegant luncheon! “A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed.” – Henrik Ibsen.

We hope to continue to offer the one-day retreat format in the future and possibly bring back the weekend retreat. Should you be interested in participating, or in helping the committee with future planning, or should you have any suggestions for a future retreat topic, please contact Sharon Jackson or Trudy Lehner.

New group forming to put the learnings into action

Reflecting on the discussions of the Retreat about living our faith through works, the committee is planning to explore the possibility of forming a “Women’s Fellowship Group” that would meet monthly to focus on gathering together women of the church for fellowship while, at the same time, working on a series of craft projects that would benefit others in some way. One such example will be the “Mooncatcher Project” that was mentioned briefly by Mary Ivey during the retreat as a way to support women’s special needs in areas of Africa. Another possibility might be preparing baby layettes for needy new mothers and their babies through “Birthright of Schenectady.” This might involve some women knitting, crocheting or sewing baby blankets, sweaters or booties, and others collecting the additional useful items. We’re certain that everyone will have other ideas to share.

Interested women are invited to attend the first gathering in the Education Building on Tuesday, June 9 at 7:00 PM to hear more. A short presentation will be made about one possible project and we encourage you to bring your own ideas. Together we’ll decide on the most convenient schedule for future gatherings.

For questions, please contact anyone on the Retreat Committee, listed above. We hope you’ll consider joining us on June 9 to explore the possibilities!


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