The 46th Annual NRC Antiques Show and Sale is just around the corner. The event is a yearly fundraiser that draws dealers, collectors and shoppers from the capital district and beyond. Mark Lawson Antiques, Inc. will be with us again this year to provide appraisals from 10am – 2pm on Friday. Bring your valuables and have them appraised for a $10 fee per item. There are many ways you can get involved on either day (or on both days) such as bake a pie, make soup, chowder or chili, set/clean up, volunteer as a cashier or help in the kitchen. The event will be held …
FRIDAY, JANUARY 18th — 10am – 5pm and SATURDAY, JANUARY 19st — 10am – 4pm
Friday shifts: 9am – Noon l Noon – 2pm l 2pm – 5pm
Saturday shifts: 9am – Noon l Noon – 2pm l 2pm – 4pm
Set-up will take place on Wednesday, January 16th at 6:30pm
If you are able to help in any way, please add your name to a sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Hall or the church narthex.
Or, call/e-mail Donna Gaunay at 518-785-8404 /