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Please Save the Date for our Silent Auction Event to benefit the Niskayuna Reformed Church Education Building Painting Fund!  Previews and early bids will be accepted during Coffee Hours on Sunday, July 9 and 16.  The final bids will be accepted and winners announced on Sunday, July 23.

Auction items will include over a dozen Themed Gift Baskets by Consistory Committees and Church Groups, spectacular cakes and pies by NRC bakers, an original print of our church by painter Jean Morse, prints of a new oil painting of NRC by Jennifer Politano, an antique rocker with a caned seat and spindle back, and more.  More details will follow in the coming weeks.

Join us for a very special Silent Auction Coffee Hour event and support the church we all love!


Make a one time or recurring gift to the church through our secure PayPal site.

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