Niskayuna Reformed Church was responsible for the June 26th soup kitchen at the Schenectady Salvation Army. We served a menu of chicken salad sandwiches, a medley of carrots/celery/tomatoes with a dipping sauce, and potato chips. An array of fruit, cookies and cupcakes were served with the main dish. A total of 131 attendees enjoyed the meal which on a very warm day in Schenectady.
As we were leaving, one of workers complimented us on our choice of food for the day, and went on to say how grateful he was for our church’s continued support and faithfulness in serving the hungry people in our community!
Volunteers for the day included Karen Goddard, Sue Lichtig, Judy Valente, Barbara Valenti, Emily Wood and Tiffanie Wood. We thank them for their service!
The next soup kitchen is July 24th. If you have questions, or are interested in volunteering to help serve a meal with NRC at the Salvation Army, please contact Barbara Valenti at 518-280-4578 or Sue Lichtig at 518-785-4574.