Volunteer Opportnities at NRC

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Here are some volunteer opportunities through the M & SC:

  • Three volunteers needed for our next Schenectady City Mission dinner date on Monday, May 6 at the City Mission Dining Center at 512 Smith Street from 4:45-6:30PM. Please contact Michele Kopp at 518-424-3825 if you are able to help out.
  • Save the date-SICM annual Crop Walk is on Sunday, May 5 at the Emmanuel Friedens Church.  Consider joining our youth group in this event to combat hunger in our community or make a donation to further the cause. Additionally, there will be a “Fill the Food Van” canned or boxed  food drive to provide needed supplies to the SICM food pantry.  These items can be collected in Fellowship Hall and delivered by our walkers. FYI-The Food Pantry’s total meal distribution in March 2019 was 60,885 meals, a significant increase over March 2018’s distribution of 26,955 meals. Food insecurity continues to grow and more families need help.
  • The First Reformed Church of Schenectady is collecting used pill bottles as part of the Matthew 25: Ministries program. There is a flyer and box for donations by the Mission bulletin board in the Education Building. Bottles deadline is May 19th.
  • Save the date: SICM summer lunch dates are July 29-August 2. More info to follow.


Make a one time or recurring gift to the church through our secure PayPal site.

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