School Supplies Needed

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Back to School Supplies: The Mission & Service Committee will be collecting school supplies in the month of August. A new school year is an exciting time, but can also be financially stressful for struggling families. We are asking for your assistance. We can help children start the new school year prepared and equipped with the supplies that will help them to be more successful. It is also a huge blessing to their families. Please consider donating items from the list below. Supplies can be placed in the “Food Baskets” in the narthex and Fellowship Hall. THANK YOU!

Backpacks (URGENT NEED)– Colored pencils– Pencil cases–Loose leaf paper (wide ruled)– Pencil sharpeners– Hi-liters–Small binders (1” three-ring)– Glue sticks (large)– Scissors–Notebooks (70 count/wide-ruled)– Pink Erasers Rulers–Washable or Dry Erase Markers– Glue (sm. bottle)– Pocket Folders–Calculators (inexpensive)– #2 Pencils– Protractors –Marble Composition Notebooks (wide ruled)



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