The Search Committee reports that it has already received a good number of Minister Profiles and has held the first phone interviews with the most promising candidates. The next steps include gathering more information about each of those individuals. At the same time, profiles continue to arrive because our position description remains posted on the various websites, newsletters and publications and as word-of-mouth networking continues.
This may seem like a slow process, but we are convinced that it’s one we should not rush since it takes deep consideration not only on our parts, but on the part of those out there who may be considering how a change in his/her call will affect not only themselves, but those around them.
Throughout the evaluation process, the members of the committee are being diligent about considering the thoughts and concerns shared by the congregation with the Transition Committee earlier this year.
The committee will continue this process until they are able to identify the one candidate to whom God is leading us. Thank you for your prayers for God’s presence and guidance in this work.