Nursery School & Preschool

Nursery School Online Enrollment Form »

Our 3-year-old class for September 2024 is currently full.  Please contact the church at 518-785-5575 ex. 103 to be put on the waitlist.  Our 4-year-old class still has limited openings.  

The goals of our nursery school are to develop a good self-image, self-discipline, decision making skills, and independence.  We help children develop social skills, emotional growth, and motor skills through a non-structured, non-pressuring program.


3 year olds (includes children turning 3 in December of enrollment year)
$150 per month

4 year olds
$175 per month


3 year olds
9:15 a.m. – 12 noon Tuesday and Thursday

4 year olds
9:15 a.m. – 12 noon Monday, Wednesday, Friday

$50 non-refundable registration fee applies

Nursery School & Preschool Photos


Please contact the church office for more information or follow us on Facebook.


Make a one time or recurring gift to the church through our secure PayPal site.

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