Senior Luncheon

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The annual Senior Luncheon was held on Tuesday in the fellowship hall.  Chefs Paul and Cyndy Brownsey prepared a delicious meal of butternut squash soup, thanksgiving turnovers, green beans and wild rice.  The meal was finished off with scrumptious apple pies baked by Linda Gardener, Pat Nickel and Bonnie Wood.  The wait staff, consisting of Sharon Rice-Herbst, Barb Valenti, Nancy Tellier and Judy Valente did a wonderful job of taking care of all our luncheon guests, while the kitchen staff (John Lehner, Norm Tellier and Mike Mason) did all of the heavy lifting around the dishwasher.  After lunch the Tri County Banjo Band provided uplifting renditions of some oldies but goodies.   A good time was had by all, and we thank all of our dedicated helpers.



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