WFG upcoming plans

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The NRC Women’s Fellowship Group met on September 13 to plan its activities for the coming months.

At the September meeting we had a lot of fun making cross bookmarks and tree ornaments from plastic canvas and colorful ribbons.

The group will meet again on October 11 at 7:00 pm in the lounge to work on a variety of projects that will be distributed to our homebound members at the holidays, provided to the Membership committee for our visitors, and offered for sale at coming events.

Our November meeting is scheduled for Election Day on November 8.  The WFG will again join with Mission & Service to have a Bake Sale for those visiting the NRC polling place.

On December 13 we will meet to prepare our holiday gifts for distribution.

The Women’s Fellowship Group welcomes any interested women to join the WFG.  Each meeting begins with a prayer and includes some delicious refreshments, along with a craft activity that can be directed toward our congregation or others in our community.  We are always looking for new craft ideas, so would welcome any you might like to share.  We meet at 7:00 pm on the second Tuesday of each month in the lounge.



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