Sacred sounds & reception

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Niskayuna Reformed Church will again participate in the annual statewide Sacred Sites weekend open house organized by The NY State Landmarks Conservancy.  The History & Archives committee and Music Ministries have collaborated to present “Sacred Sounds: The Historical Role of Music in Liturgy at NRC”.

The concert will feature the senior and youth choirs, with orchestra, under the direction of Andrew Burger, NRC’s Director of Music.  “This is a very special concert as this is the first time our church has presented a special concert comprised only of the church’s own music ministry groups”, Mr. Burger explained at a recent church service.  The groups will perform selections from across the church’s musical history. Christina Pizzino-Catalano, choral teacher at Niskayuna High School has been invited as a guest soloist as well as orchestral musicians from the community.

The concert will also include discussion by Scott Haefner, co-chair of the church’s History & Archives and historian. Rev. Jason Fulkerson, the church’s minister, will provide a welcoming introduction and explanation of why music is a vital part of the worship experience, and offered “Music has the ability to stir our souls in unique ways. We invite the community to join us as we celebrate the rich musical history of our church.”

The hour-long concert will take place on Sunday, May 6 at 5 pm inside the sanctuary. Although this event is free, tickets will be available to pick up at coffee hours on Sundays after worship services on April 22nd & 29th and May 6th or in the church office between 8:30 am- 3 pmPlease invite your friends and family. A reception will immediately follow in Fellowship Hall.  Coffee and tea will be served. Please bring cookies to share. Cookies may be dropped off the morning of May 6. Monetary donations to the History & Archives are also appreciated as they will be used to preserve historical church records in fragile condition. Some significant documents will be on display at the reception.

Please click the flyer below for more details.

Sacred Sounds Flyer 2018

Here a link to the NY Landmarks Conservancy page:


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